Check to see if a property conforms to HMO standards.
Evaluation of rents.
Releasing keys to tenants.
Reminder & info emails to tenants throughout the tenancy.
Rent collection & prompt payment to the landlord.
Set up of rents for collection on specified dates.
Collecting a deposit and registration, if required.
24 hour tenant support in the event of an emergency.
Assign maintenance requests and visit if required.
Arrange for quotes, booking in works and notifying tenants.
Completing house inspections.
Organizing the renewals of safety certificates.
Visiting the property and consult on any potential works so properties are in tiptop condition to increase rents.
Check-out inspections and arrange cleaners if required.
Deposit deductions and returns.
FEES - Set up Fee of One week Rent
then £30.00 per Month per tenant